1w7OxtEJBfPKWt_qW8lo-aQjqF8 best farmville guide: Things to Avoid Doing in Farmville

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This site includes Farmville Cheats and farmville leveling tips and guides. It is intended to help players to dominate farmville on facebook or any other gaming platforms. All of the strategies and secret tactics on this site are completely legal and 100% hack-free. If you want to level up fast and make as much money as possible, then you are at the right place. There are many techniques that can help you build a successful farm. I want to help you avoid the mistakes I’ve made and give you the shortcuts. Feel free to browse the site to find some Top Secret you con share these articles with any friends or family who can benefit from easier and faster ways to Level up for life. Enjoy! Don't forget to bookmark this page because I'll be adding more of the most effective strategies for subscription to my world famous Newsletter, giving you my unusually fast motivational tricks and techniques

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Things to Avoid Doing in Farmville

Most Farmville gaming guides you find online tell you the things you must do to gain progress in your Farmville game.  However, simply following these strategies and tips does not guarantee success.  There may be things you are doing that hinder your advancement to higher levels. 
Farmville  – Things not to do in the starting levels of the game
·        Don’t acquire buildings prematurely, especially when you are still in the lower levels and do not have much money to spend.  After all, you do not need them yet.  Buildings will earn you ribbons and xp’s but you can put them off for later when you get to the higher levels and when you have enough game coins to spare.
·        Don’t purchase decorations when you are just starting.   You have better use for your coins than that.  Reserve these purchases for later.
·        Don’t spend your FV cash indiscriminately.  These are harder to come by than the FV coins.  If possible, exhaust all options first in acquiring farm necessities.  Spend cash only when there is no other choice.
·        Don’t plant crops blindly.  Select only those that will provide the best return on your investment.  There will be time for experimenting later, when you have more than enough coins to spend.  That will make for a more exciting game.
·        Don’t delay buying the appropriate equipment for plowing, seeding and harvesting.  Buying them as soon as possible will help you complete farm work much faster and give you more time for other productive things.
Avoiding these mistakes and following proven Farmville  gaming guides and tips will help you climb up to higher levels in no time.